Louis Mattivi
What are your favorite indoor activities?
* Channel surfing
* Reading
* Working out
What are your favorite outdoor activities?
* Jogging
* Walking
What are your favorite forms of entertainment?
* Dining out
* Friends
* Gambling
* Movies
* Sports
* TV
What would be on your ideal mix tape?
* Alternative music
* Country music
* Electronic music
* Pop music
* Rock 'n' roll
It's movie night-what do you like to see?
* Action flicks
* Comedies
* Documentaries
* Dramas
What pet(s) do you have (or wish you had)?
* Dogs
What did you do after high school?
* Joined the military
* Continued my education
What did you get for all your studying?
* Some college textbooks
Your friends would describe you as ...
* A great listener
* Always there to lend support
* Happy-go-lucky
* The evenest of even keels
What do you get paid to do?
* Sit in a cubicle
* Stare at a computer
* Educate/train people
If this is your profile, you can amend it.
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